Theory and Practice
Featured on this page are completed assignments for the following courses: DEDTC 808 Summer Institute II, EDTC 805 Cross Discipline Studies in Ed Tech, DTC 807Implementation and Evaluation of Curriculum, EDTC 814 Advanced Effective Models of E-Learning, EDTC 816 Advanced Building Online Communities, and EDTC 817 Develop and Manage DL Programs.
EDTC 805-Cross Discipline Studies in Ed Tech
Project 1: Emerging Technologies
This was a group project in which the emerging trend of makerspaces and associated technologies were discussed, and potential uses in educational contexts were proposed.
For this project I had to work with an organization outside of my school district in order to accomplish a goal that I had outlined on my professional growth plan (PGP). As exploring new technologies and their implications for learning was listed as a goal, I decided to write a grant proposal for money with which I would purchase a 3D printer for my school.
Project 3: Technology Theme Park
This technology theme park was created to offer a variety of modes through which students can learn about the Bill of Rights and its implications for today's society. Games, videos, interactive quizzes and primary and secondary sources are among the various resources students can explore.
EDTC 807-Implementation and Evaluation of Curriculum
Project 1: Short Essay on Kliebard
This project reports upon research conducted to examine the role of curriculum in education, as they pertained to various philosophies and ideologies, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Project 2: Conservative vs. Progressive View of Education
This assignment presents a table in which advocates' conservative and progressive viewpoints are juxtaposed to one another.
This project explores the implications of utilizing the Scratch coding language as a means of informal learning.
Project 4: Curriculum Implementation Plan
This project presents a proposal for utilizing makerspaces and the technologies found therein to have students apply knowledge of mathematics concepts. A rationale is presented, along with a system for implementation and and evaluation plan.
EDTC 808-Summer Institute II
Project 1: Reflection for Presentation
This assignment allowed me to reflect on my experiences in the doctoral program over the past year. Specifically, I discussed various strides that I made, as they pertained to my PGP, and reflected on things that I would need to improve upon, as preparation for my presentation next year.
Project 2: Educational Technology Leadership Performance Portfolio
This portfolio was updated to reflect all of the work that the doctoral candidate had completed and to showcase all of the service that was done in the name of the field.
Project 3: Attendance, Participation, In-Person Presentation and In-Class Assignments
As the title suggests, this assessment was based on the doctoral candidates participation and presentation, which was a mock defense of dissertation topics. Classwork required doctoral candidates to research jobs related to the field of educational technology and to describe the duties associated with each.
EDTC 814- Advanced Effective Models of E-Learning
Project 1: Simulation Case Study
This was completed in class, and involved students participating in the Mt. Everest game, in which ultimatums were given the the implications were played out through the simulation.
Project 2: Higher Ed Case Studies
Hypothetical case studies were analyzed and a needs assessment was done in which interventions for staff members were created and implemented and learning goals were established. This was done with respect to principles found in course readings and the Quality Matters rubric.
Project 3: Leadership Vision and E-Learning Plans
This project involved candidates to develop a visions for E-Learning and an implementations plan by synthesizing course readings as well as the principles of the Quality Matters rubric.
EDTC 816-Advanced Building Online Communities
Project 1: Online Community Search
This project involved researching and evaluation existing online communities, dedicated to a single aspect of educational technology. The success of each community, with respect to its purpose, was evaluated by synthesizing information from course readings.
This project was a group endeavor in which an online community was contacted and modertors were interviewed, regarding the purpose of the community and how they leverage the tools of the space within their online community in order to fulfill that purpose. An analysis was conducted and suggestions for improvement were offered.
Project 3: Design of an Online Community
An actual online community was created, and this community was dedicated to exploration of a given topic within educational technology. Principles of course readings were applied in the creation of the community and the tools that would be available to its patrons. The rationale for the decisions made for the group is linked above. Here is a link to the online group that was created: